
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
I have a boatload of memories from the time I spent working with Walter Payton back in the early 1990's. A few of those moments I shared in "Chicken Soup for The Golfer's Soul" and in my first book "Living An Uncommon Life."

Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
Wednesday Oct 31, 2018
When October 31st rolls around each year I think of two guys. First, my dad who for twenty years turned the basement in our big old Victorian house into a haunted castle, then transformed himself from a banker into "The Count." Secondly, I think of my longtime friend, the late, great original "ghost-hunter" Richard Crowe. RC originated the concept of "ghost tours" back in the early 1970's and was a fixture in the media when it came to all things supernatural and unexplained. I'm remembering both of these guys in this special "Halloween" edition of the Life 2.0 podcast, including the very first interview I had with Richard 20 years ago, on this day in 1998.
That pic of Dracula is Poppa John, and when he passed in 2004 we buried him with his cape, just like Bela Lugosi.

Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
I've done "The Monday Memo" and "The Wednesday Rant" and of course "Freebie Friday"- but this is the first "Throwback Thursday" edition of The Life 2.0 Podcast. In this inaugural episode, we roll back eighteen years to 2000, (after surviving the end of the world with the Y2K scare of 1999,) and a rousing conversation with the one and only Charles Osgood, a living legend of broadcasting who hosted "CBS Sunday Morning" a role he held for over 22 years from April 10, 1994, until September 25, 2016. Charlie also hosted The Osgood File, a series of daily radio commentaries, from 1971 until December 29, 2017. Once again the audio vault has opened, giving us a perspective of the past that can help us endure the future. Click the "Subscribe to Premium Content."

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
According to a number of Americans, the impending election cycle brings with it the chance to "Take Back Our Country" which has become an oft heard rally cry on both sides of the political aisle. Where exactly should we take it back to? What year did we "have it all together" as a nation? 1955? 1973? 1999? A little perspective goes a long way.

Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Friday Oct 19, 2018
Candace Jordan is a renaissance woman. She began her journey in tiny Dupo, Illinois, found her way to the St. Louis Playboy Club, then to Ms. December 1979 and numerous covers of the iconic magazine created by Hugh Hefner. Using her platform to the utmost, she would go on to capture the pulse of The Windy City, being named to three of Chicago's top 100 lists – 100 Most Powerful Chicagoans, 100 Women Making a Difference and 100 Women of Influence. CJ writes the Candid Candace column for the Chicago Tribune along with her own her Chicago Now blog and her own blog, CandidCandace.com
From helping to raise millions for charity to hanging out on the Red Carpet with Al Pacino to collecting rare books to being a voice for our four legged friends, she has much to say about the power of kindness, appreciating the journey and insisting that you are "more than enough" just as you are.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Digging into the vast audio archives I came across a "double header" conversation with two of the most respected names in the media, when it comes to information that informs, entertains and inspires with regard to environmental issues. Bill Kurtis & Jean- Michel Cousteau joined me back in 2008 to talk about some of the challenges we face as a species, most of which we seem to inflict on ourselves. For those of you that look forward "The Wednesday Rant" fear not, its included.

Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
Friday Oct 12, 2018
On October 12th 1997, John Denver's experimental plane plunged into the waters of Monterey Bay, California. His family lost a father, son and brother, I lost a friend and millions of fans around the world, mourned the loss of this celebrated and beloved singer/songwriter. This "Freebie Friday" on the 21st anniversary of John’s death, takes a look back at the man and his music through my conversations with a few of his friends including country music stars Michael Martin Murphey and John Berry, legendary producer the late Roger Nichols, his wife Connie Reeder who backed up JD vocally along with award winning broadcaster Rolland Smith and the late, great Aussie Terry Lipman. Click the "Subscribe To Premium Content" button to listen.

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
How is it possible that we can send a man to the moon, have him walk around (more than once) and return safely but are seemingly unable as a species to put three people in a room of different political beliefs and find common ground? It's because we are lawbreakers...Newton's Laws to be precise. This Wednesday Rant is all about what happens when we ignore the laws of physics and the rebound effect it has on our lives, politically, spiritually & emotionally. Music by the late, great Pete Huttlinger.

Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
When he was just 18 years old, Brian McCaskey was considered a "failure" by a major college he was applying to. Using that as a "pivot point," he would work his way up the ladder from a "ball boy" for $10 a day to the Vice President of The Chicago Bears. As a grandson of the legendary George Halas, Brian maintains that the work ethic passed down from "Papa Bear" is a large part of his success. A diagnosis of Meniere's Disease would result in severe hearing loss by the age of 50, but he sees that as a "blessing in disguise" that had him focused on his "inner voice" more than ever before. A no-holds barred, behind the scenes conversation about the most historic franchise in the NFL and what it takes to make it all work, on and off the field no matter what quarter of life you are in.

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
The image of a 6,000-pound rhino, pounding its way across the tundra, ears back and horn glistening in the sun, kicking up a cloud of dust is the very embodiment of power. Scott Alexander thinks so too, and when he wrote "Rhinoceros Success" twenty-five years ago, he had no idea it would go on to sell over three million copies. He's one of my favorite guests over the years, so when I found a show he did with me on Oprah Radio from 2009, had to put it in the Life 2.0 rotation. Mini-rant precedes the interview, but hey...that's part of the deal. The "Blue Rhino" in the profile pic was made by my son Andy when he was in high school. Hangs in my office as a reminder to "keep charging!"