
Wednesday May 29, 2019
The Business of Hope.
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019

Monday May 27, 2019
Memorial Day 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
I waited until after 3 p.m local time to post the Memorial Day episode of the Life 2.0 Podcast. Why 3 p.m you ask ? That is the National Moment of Remembrance, established by Congress, that asks Americans, wherever they are at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day, to pause in an act of national unity for one minute. Did you put down the beer or cellphone? Did you stop for a moment to reflect and remember? Did you even know about it? Do you know the difference between Veterans Day and Memorial Day? For Gold Star families, and fathers like Brian Jopek and Greg Daniels, who lost their sons in battle, every single day is Memorial Day. #lestweforget

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Distracted: "Unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied." According to the latest stats, over 600,000 people are driving around right now, in three tons of metal, while distracted, which is in and of itself...distracting. Now comes word that there is an uptick in..."distracted walking" as cell phone zombies are so locked into their ELS (electronic life support) aka "Smart" phones that a senator from New York is proposing a ban to keep them safe. Really? Yea...really. Toss in my college alma mater asking for my "success story," a conversation with a friend about someone we both know personally running for president, the incredible power of synchronicity, a new "True or False" segment about something Joe Biden said forty-five years ago, and another episode of "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis" and you have another serious attempt to make sense of the senseless. Hold on to your lug nuts, its time for an overhaul.

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Well here we go again, hammering away on Hump Day, my ongoing attempt to dig out the obvious buried in the absurd and find common sense in very uncommon times. "To Tell The Truth" was a popular TV game show, but now its become a tug-of-war, especially in the landfill of unsocial media. Tommy Jefferson pointed out that some truths are "self-evident" but apparently, they still have to be sourced on the internet, and even then they are dismissed. All of that low level activity, has created a new condition that plagues humans, where PTSD now stands for "Present Tense Stress Disorder" because the self- inflicted, ongoing bombardment on our central nervous system, leaves little or no breathing room, as we have become prisoners of our own devices. But there is hope, and its hidden where you would least expect to find it. Intro music this week from David Stoddard and of course, another episode of "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis."

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
It's another "Free For All" Wednesday Rant. This week we're taking a dive off the spiritual diving board into the deep end of the pool of human potential. Spanning the spectrum from the rudder that steers our beliefs, to the insights of Dr. Brene' Brown, to the power of synchronicity to "The Man in the Arena" speech from Teddy Roosevelt, that he delivered in 1910, and still applies in 2019 and another episode of "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis." Somehow it all fits in the Life 2.0 podcast puzzle.

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
MAY DAY! MAY DAY! MAY DAY! Rolling out another episode of The Wednesday Rant. So, its clear that I cannot control the Universe, but what is unclear is why I have this incessant need to patrol the internet universe, especially when it comes to false, not true, BS driven memes and information that floods the internet. I am a reluctant Barney Fife, constantly gigging people in the landfill of Facebook for news we can't possibly use. Perhaps the problem is that we have so many words that use to mean on thing, but now mean something else, like trolls, catfish, bump and Spam. Rants, raves and reflections along with an episode of "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis."

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
She witnessed her father kill her mother at the age of 14, then turn the gun on himself, just three yards away. That one moment pushed Rhonda Britten into years of self-destructive behavior, until she was finally able to begin the work of forgiveness. Since then, she has gone on to become an internationally known author and speaker, helping the rest of the world to heal through the Fearless Living Institute. Rhonda is the real deal, she cuts no slack, or corners in this powerful Life 2.0 episode. Hold on to your lug nuts, time for a serious overhaul.

Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
Friday Apr 19, 2019
It's been a long week on this side of the microphone. A snowstorm in Chicago had me grounded in Denver, major event on Monday evening, working off far less sleep than required and road trip food. From the shocking death of a friend and fellow broadcaster, to the flames of Notre Dame and the seeming inability for humans to stop vomiting up their confirmation bias and posting it for all the world to see, it’s this week's attempt to make sense out of the senseless. TGIF.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
It's that time of the week again...THE WEDNESDAY RANT IS ON THE AIR...or at least in the virtual space known as the internet landfill. Before I head off to Boulder, had to get in a few rants, raves and reflections on everything from the book I am working on that's really working on me (and that "why" is always more important than "how.") To the reminder of "The Four Way Test" etched in a little acrylic hour glass on my desk, as the sands of time are running low, along with a shout out to legendary meteorologist Tom Skilling via "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis" Intro music on TWR by the incredibly talented David Stoddard.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
She is a living legend, a true force of and for nature, a staunch advocate for the planet and all its inhabitants. At the age of 26, equipped with little more than a notebook, binoculars, and her fascination with wildlife, Jane Goodall braved a realm of unknowns to the world a remarkable window into humankind's closest living relatives.
Through nearly 60 years of groundbreaking work, Dr. Jane has not only shown us the urgent need to protect chimpanzees from extinction; she has also redefined species conservation to include the needs of local people and governments. Today she travels the world, speaking about the threats facing chimpanzees and environmental challenges, urging each of us to take action on behalf of all living things, and planet we share.
A fascinating, enlightening and inspiring conversation with Dr. Jane Goodall, on her 85th birthday.