
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
Saturday Mar 30, 2019
The Sun, the giant star that allows life to flourish on our planet. So large, that one million of our earth's, would easily fit inside its mass. At 4.6 billion years old, it will eventually burn itself out...in about 5 billion years. Nothing we have to worry about...unless...in 48 hours, the Earth will be hit by a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the Sun, a "Carrington Event" that has the power to shut down and possibly destroy the world's electrical infrastructure. To try and prevent permanent damage, everything goes dark prior to the hit: global communications are shut down; hospital emergency generators are disconnected; the entire internet, media broadcasting, and cell phone systems are turned off. That's called Shit Creek, no paddle. NY Times best-selling author Dr. William Fortschen is our Subscriber Saturday Exclusive guest, talking about his new book "48 Hours" and how this fictional blockbuster is based on very real events. The big question? What would you do if you only had 48 hours to live?
Click to purchase- 48 Hours
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Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
What do you get when you combine the teachings of Lao Tzu, a world famous hot dog stand, the applied mechanics of kinesiology, Sir Isaac Newton, the overwhelming intrusion of ELS (electronic life support) and "God's Bathtub?" You get The Wednesday Rant of course. More transient nodes of thoughts, cascading down my central nervous system, like a waterfall of inspiration, saturating the desert of desperation. Disclaimer : I locked in a new audio system that has a pretty good SFX library. Added special effects in this outing. Just an old radio guy having a little fun in post-production.

Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Digging back to 2015 in the vast audio archives for this edition of the Life 2.0 TBT episode. There is a list I have of those humans, both living and dead, that I'd like to sit down with, knock off the suds and solve the problems of the world if at all possible. On that list is Mohandas Gandhi, but since that's not possible, I've had the chance to spend a bit of time with his grandson, Arun Gandhi over the years, who travels the world as a "Farmer of Peace."
As the headlines are constantly filled with tragedy, Arun is the counterweight to the worst of human behavior.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Wednesday Mar 13, 2019
Back at it one more time on the Life 2.0 Podcast with another episode of The Wednesday Rant. So, what's more important? HEADLINE-A bunch of rich Hollywood types pulling strings and writing checks to get their already privileged offspring into colleges they couldn't actually attend because they didn't make the grades? OR LIFELINE-One hundred plus alumni of Carl Schurz High School in Chicago raising money at The Bulldog Bash to help offset the cost of college to kids that we'll never meet, who worked their ass of to be accepted into college? We'll go with Door #2 on this one kids. Also expect an endless stream of rants, raves and reflections along with another "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis" episode and music this week (Lincoln Avenue Rag) from the genius of David Stoddard.

Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
Saturday Feb 23, 2019
In a day and age when the headlines are filled people making false claims looking for a payout and payoff, a measured dose of truth is in order. Pulling from the vast Life 2.0 archives, we go back in time to that pivotal year of 2000 (after surviving the Y2K scare) for a conversation I had with the best selling author of "Way of The Peaceful Warrior" and modern day sage, Dan Millman. Incredibly, everything we talked about 19 years ago, with regard to living an extraordinary life, still applies today, perhaps even more so.
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Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
Even with a head cold, The Wednesday Rant must go on. Just a reminder/disclaimer that there are a few definitions of the word "Rant." 1) To extensively talk about a given topic longer than needed whether anyone cares or not. 2) To utter in a bombastic declamatory fashion. 3) To speak, write or shout in a loud manner or angry way, often saying confusing or silly things. Might be guilty of three of those definitions this week, however sometimes the best way to make sense of the senseless...is a good rant session. If nothing else, you will be heading to your Encyclopedia Britannica to find the difference between a frog in the throat and a toad in the hole.

Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Nate Boyer does more to "earn his Americanism" in one day, than most people I know do in a lifetime. After serving six years and multiple tours for the Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Green Beret, Boyer played college football as a walk on, at the University of Texas, despite never having played a down of organized football in his life. He was signed by the Seattle Seahawks as an undrafted free agent in 2015. He made headlines as the veteran who got Colin Kapernick to "take a knee" in a sign of respect for the military, while still maintaining his protest. Nate has since gone on to become part of MVP- Merging Vets and Players-effort.
It's easy to wave the flag, quite another thing to actually put your life on the line to defend it. Thank you for your service to our country Nate, and your ongoing commitment to reminding us that America isn't made great by policy, but by its people.
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Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
Wednesday Feb 06, 2019
I usually reserve "Hump Day" for "The Wednesday Rant" but this week its a Triple W with TWR + "Wednesday Wisdom" + "WTF Wednesday." There are just some things that strike me all at once, then I turn on the Zoom machine and we are off to the podcast races. Last week, I sat in on LIVE RADIO for six hours over a two-day period, something I haven't done since Obama was president. That experience kick started all that follows today, and my big "revelation" on how easy it is to get "knocked off course" when it comes to being connected to..."The Source."
Free episode courtesy of the Life 2.0 subscribers.

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Here's a blast from the past...The time comedian George Lopez and I had 20 minutes to "figure it all out." His comedy while hilarious, comes from some deep pain, and after the interview wrapped-he told me I should become a psychologist.
Perhaps, but there no consulting fee for this episode of the Life 2.0 Podcast. #freebiefriday

Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
Wednesday Jan 23, 2019
In August of 2018, Green Bay Packer legend Jerry Kramer, was finally inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, after many years of being ignored, coming up short or snubbed, which made zero sense as he is perhaps the most celebrated offensive lineman in NFL history. That being stated, this FREE Wednesday Wisdom episode has very little to do with football, and almost everything to do with the game we all play, life. In honor of Jerry's 83rd birthday, enjoy this "retro audio" from 2015, and what it takes to overcome the speed-bumps of life.