
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
The Building Blocks of Success
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
So, what does a immigrant from Italy, who didn't speak a word of English, and yet built LaVilla Restaurant, brick by brick into a Chicago institution, with a legacy that endures through his daughter 45 years later, have in common with arguably the greatest guard, and Hall of Fame Green Bay Packer, Jerry Kramer? Nothing...and yet...everything. Success leaves clues, and there are no shortcuts, whether you are making the best pizza on the planet, or winning the Super Bowl.

Thursday Jan 20, 2022
TBT with Nate Boyer
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Thursday Jan 20, 2022
Throwback Thursday features my conversation with Nate Boyer from 2016. After serving six years and multiple tours for the Army in both Iraq and Afghanistan, as a Green Beret. Boyer played college football as a walk-on at the University of Texas, despite never having played a down of organized football in his life. He was signed by the Seattle Seahawks as an undrafted free agent in 2015. He co-founded MVP (Merging Vets and Players) with Fox Sports Analyst Jay Glazer, and a film about his life, is in the works. Nate dropped one of the all time memorable quotes in this show..."We should be doing something every day to earn our Americanism." Yea-what he said.

Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Remembering Pete
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Saturday Jan 15, 2022
Pete Huttlinger was a true force of nature. By the age of 12, Pete had begun music lessons and by 14 he had settled on the guitar. Soon after he graduated from high school, a relative left him a small inheritance. He decided to use this windfall to study at Berklee College of Music. Pete would go on to perform around the world with such artists as John Denver, LeAnn Rimes, Sara Evans, Brad Paisley, Wynonna, Donna Summer, Brenda Lee, Engelbert Humperdinck, and George Burns. In 2000, he won the National Fingerpick Guitar Championship and soon after emerged as one of the Nashville Chamber Orchestra’s most popular guest soloists. and many others. As a solo artist, he performed across the U.S. and Europe. He battled his entire life with a congenital heart defect, and passed away on January 15th, 2016 at the age of 54. This remembrance of Pete, is my conversation with him and his wife Erin, about their book "Joined at The Heart." More info at www.petehuttlinger.com

Friday Dec 31, 2021
Remembering John
Friday Dec 31, 2021
Friday Dec 31, 2021
It's New Year's Eve, and John Denver would have been 78 years old today. Ever since John's passing in 1997, I have produced a tribute show to my friend on his birthday, and this year I am thrilled to have shared a wonderful conversation with Conrad Reeder, who was a backup singer for JD and whose husband, the late, great Roger "The Immortal" Nichols engineered and produced some of John's best albums, and captured the incredible and ground breaking U.S.S.R. concerts in 1985.
"Though the singer is silent, there still is the truth of the songs."

Friday Dec 24, 2021
Christmas Memories & Music
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Friday Dec 24, 2021
Finding the vintage Grundig Stereo my folks bought in 1958, brought me back to Christmas in a much simpler time. It's a great lineup of music and memories, as we once again celebrate the season. I am also reminded of those who are no longer here to celebrate the season, and its with them in mind, I offer you a little respite from the sadness that often comes this time of the year.
Merry Christmas!

Saturday Dec 18, 2021
A Christmas Carol
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
Saturday Dec 18, 2021
From the first time I watched "A Christmas Carol" (starring the incredible Alastair Sim as Ebenezer Scrooge) on a little black & white Sears TV set, back in the late 60s, I have been captivated over and over again, not only by his performance, but the theme of the movie. It has reminded me time and time again, that humanity is my business. This episode includes audio from the 1951 film version of the Dicken's classic. Enjoy.

Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Gridiron Glory Days
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
Saturday Dec 11, 2021
There is something just this side of sacred, when I have the opportunity to reconnect with my former college football teammates. Huddling up once again, the decades simply disappear, and we are instantly transported back in time, to the glory days of the gridiron. This reunion turned out to be a master class in success (not only on the field, but more importantly off) as the lessons of the game, had carried over into our civilian life, giving us the three most needed tools for winning seasons. Fundamentals are never fun, but they work.

Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Karma 101
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
Saturday Dec 04, 2021
"Cause and effect" is the simplest way to explain karma. So, when I failed the test that was about reaction vs. response back in September, I knew it would come back around again. Lessons are repeated until learned, so when another test popped up a couple days ago, I recognized it for what it was, and what is was not, and made the choice to respond, and not react, saving myself (and the other guy) from an altercation that would have not been good, thus avoiding a negative karmic kickback in the future and a possible visit to the dentist for new front teeth. Not mine...his.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Thanksgiving with Earl Hamner
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
To me, it was more than mere coincidence that I came across a cassette tape with Earl Hamner's name on it (in a box with hundreds of other shows) as my guest from 20 years ago to the very date, just before Thanksgiving in 2001. Earl was the creator of "The Walton's" one of the most popular television shows of its time (that still airs in worldwide syndication) and his soft Virginia accent, simple way of seeing life, and his thoughts around Thanksgiving two decades ago, is a great gift. Enjoy

Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Remembering Capt. Jerry Coffee
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
Saturday Nov 20, 2021
When I received word from that my great friend Capt. Jerry Coffee USN (Ret.) had passed away, I set about building a remembrance episode to the one person among all the thousands I've known and worked with that has made the greatest impact on my life.
Captain Coffee flew low-level reconnaissance missions over Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis, which provided photographic proof of Soviet nuclear-tipped missiles, turning the tide of the dangerous Soviet – U.S. standoff. During the Vietnam War, Jerry was flying a combat mission off the USS Kittyhawk when he was shot down by North Vietnamese anti-aircraft guns. Immediately captured, he was held prisoner for over 7 years in the infamous ‘Hanoi Hilton’ communist prison where torture and solitary confinement were routine.
He was the living embodiment of forgiveness. Godspeed my friend.