
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
The Yellow Brick Road
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
Saturday Sep 16, 2023
As another week unfolds in so many interesting ways, the messages from The Wizard of Oz come to mind. At some point in my life, I've been just like every one of the characters in the classic movie. There have been times I questioned my smarts, heart, and courage, but in the end, as in the beginning, it's all about remembering to "Follow the Yellow Brick Road." Had to add one of my favorite songs from David Stoddard to close out the show.

Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Buy The Book!
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
Saturday Sep 09, 2023
It's another literary milestone, as IRONMAN was cleared for retail sale today. It's the 9th book I've written and released it's been released on 9.9.23 and Randy Hundley wore #9 for the Cubs! I'll take it! In other news I had the opportunity to sit in on live radio again last week, and the reminders of "right" vs. "left" leaves very little room for middle ground, where most people live. If you are still upright and breathing, you've won the lottery of life...again!

Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Come Monday.
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Last week I had the opportunity to sit in "live" on the radio here in Chicago. It's been a few years since I did a three-hour show, but much like riding a bike, I found my balance in just a few pushes of the pedals. I didn't spend any time on politics, but rather on more important things like health care for veterans, the good and great things going on in Chicago, "Earth Matters with Bill Kurtis" and...cicadas. Had to include the recently departed for warmer waters Jimmy Buffett of course...right in time for the Labor Day weekend show.

Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Memories & More
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
I'm still in recovery mode from the book launch of "IRONMAN" the autobiography of legendary Cubs catcher Randy Hundley. It's one thing to write a book in a defined space of time, quite another thing to experience the effect our efforts on the book had on a roomful of people. As if I needed another thing to be focused on, my trusty, dusty Dell slowed down to a crawl (it worked hard too) and my computer wizard Zack explained on memory (or lack of it) plays a role in the efficiency of the machine-which is not unlike how our minds work.

Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Play Ball!
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
On the eve of a major book launch party for "IRONMAN!"-The Autobiography of Legendary Chicago Cubs catcher Randy Hundley-I've had an interesting week watching all the puzzle pieces come together on this project. Add to that a new wrist-watch (not unlike my old one) as well as some thoughts on watching the 81 year "Rebel" signing books and I cannot help but think about how fast our timelines seem to evaporate. Then, a late night text message from country music superstar John Berry seals the deal, and it's another attempt at audio excellence and podcasting possiblities.

Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Be Like Water
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
There is an old saying..."You can't push the river" but we try to anyway. As humans, we are often more like a stone, firmly entrenched in our opinions, beliefs and experiences in the river of life, than the waters that flow around, over and under the stones, eroding, polishing and refining them. This past week, I’ve had a few reminders of perspective, and the power of asking better questions, and how much I enjoy getting my quills cut at the barbershop-all of it an invitation to “be like water.”

Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Author’s Proof
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
Saturday Aug 05, 2023
I've been working on a book project for exactly one year. When the Author's Proof finally showed up, I had some fairly serious insights to the process that always takes over my life to a greater or lesser degree, and the satisfaction that comes from creating a book out of some pretty thin air. It's humbling, frustrating and magical all at once.

Saturday Jul 29, 2023
You’ve Won The Lottery!
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Everybody running around buying lottery tickets, all the while not realizing that they have already won the biggest lottery there is-LIFE. What you do with your winnings is a matter of choice, not chance. Don't believe me? Check your Human Math.

Saturday Jul 22, 2023
The Gift of You
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
A milestone was reached this past Tuesday morning at 9 a.m. (and 9:02 a.m.) EST as my son Andy and daughter-in-law Kaitlyn, welcomed identical twin girls to the world, and I officially became "Poppa John." It's been a few days of reflection and memories, lessons and reminders, delivered to me, via the two newest members of the Human Family.

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
JD in the USSR
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
At one time, John Denver was the biggest-selling artist in the world.
When he embarked on an ambitious tour of the USSR in 1984, there was no cultural agreement between the USA and the Soviet Union, as the Cold War was just starting to thaw. Roger "The Immortal" Nichols, the engineering genius behind Steely Dan, accompanied Denver to Russia with a small yet state of the art recording rig, at the urging of John's brother Ron. The tapes of those historic concerts eventually became an album after Denver died in a plane crash in 1997, but then were swallowed up over time.
In an effort to restore history, Roger's daughters Cimcie and Ashlee have spent the last decade tracking down the master recordings, and along with their mom Conrad Reeder, successfully completed their mission, with support from the Denver Estate.
These historic concets from 1945/85 are now available for digital download on all streaming platforms. Connie, Cimcie and Ashlee join me to share the journey, recount the incredible efforts of Roger to capture the concerts in the USSR and how 40+ years later, Denver's message of peace looms larger than ever before.
Included in this episode are some of Denver's classics, recorded on stage, just as he peformed them, for a very receptive audience in the USSR.